
So, Minexpanded is a Minecraft mod based on archaeologie. In this mod, you will be able to mine fossilized bones, get blood from mosquito in ambers and turn everything into dinosaurs.

This mod is currently in development, so it's not available for download. But you can join our discord server to get news about the mod.

The mod is coded in Java, and we use IntelliJ IDEA to code it. We also use Github to share our code.

We are currently 3 developpers, one designer and one 3D designer on this mod. The main developper is Dioxyde de Carbone, and the other two are yassine and Arkane. The designer is M0NS and the 3D designer is Frarix.
I am one of the Game designer and I do a bit of design.

We are currently looking for developpers, designers and 3D designers. If you are interested, you can join our discord server and contact us.

The mod is available on Discord, and we have a Github repository.

We also have a Patreon for who want to support us